How can i create a 'group checkbox' control

Does anyoe know how to create a ‘checkbox group’? I currently have a drop down populated with keywords but this doesnt allow multiple selection so i need to create a group of checkboxes. I have no option for this in the control list but i have seen a few threads on here referring to ‘checkbox groups’?

Thanks in advance

Hi Lisa you can’t change the control type of a field saved as a single drop down because Rhythmyx needs to create an associated Child Table for the control. You will need to create a new field from scratch and you will see the additional field controls of either sys_CheckBoxGroup or sys_DropDownMultiple

If you want this to be a shared field you will first need to create a new shared field set.

Super - thanks for that - i will give it whirl.

Hi there

We have several dropdown menus, driven by keyword lists, that allow multiple selection… usually by holding down the Ctrl key (or the Shift key) while making the selection. I don’t think there was any ‘fancy stuff’ done to make this happen, so it might be worth checking out before changing to a checkbox group.
