How can I see how many users are logged into cm1 simultaneously?


Its another day before another deadline and cm1 is running really slowly again. I think its to do with all the users going in all at the same time, as this just seems to happen right before I give my users a deadline.

Chrome is popping up the “Kill this page” error message, when trying to save / approve or open pages. I have a note into my hosting company. All my users are reporting it running slowly.

Just wondering if there is a way for me to tell how many users I have in at once so I can try and troubleshoot why this is happening.

I shouldn’t have more then 50 users in at once max.

So now that everyone has gone for lunch its faster. Why is it slowing down with multiple users in. Its only 50 people???

Hi Sandy,

This is something that we are aware of . If you take a look at Nathaniels response on this post

Thanks! I have pasted this along to my hosting company upgrade time =)