How can we change extension parameter value

I need change sys_flagValues value under sys_filterByPublishableFlag but I clicked everywhere just couldn’t find a place to see and edit the value.

Can someone tell me how to change sys_flagValues under sys_filterByPublisherableFlag?

I think you need to create a custom Item Filter. (Note: I have not done this myself.)


When you create a Content List, you select the Item Filter. By default, there are four item filters to choose from: (1) preview, (2) public, (3) sitefolder, and (4) unpublish. Each of these Item Filters uses a list of rules to determine which items are included in the content list.

  1. preview - This doesn’t contain any rules, so all items are included. (Although the documentation says this item filter doesn’t use any rules, there is an item filter rule named sys_previewFilter.)

  2. public - This uses the sys_filterByPublishableFlag rule with a value of “y,i” for the sys_flagValues parameter. (Although the documentation doesn’t mention it, there is an item filter rule named sys_publicFilter.)

  3. sitefolder - This uses the sys_filterBySiteFolder rule.

  4. unpublish - This uses the sys_filterByPublishableFlag rule with a value of “u” for the sys_flagValues parameter.

If you want an item filter different than the four listed above, it sounds like you can create your own.


You do this in the Workbench. Choose “File | New | Other…” from the main menu. This opens the New Object Wizard Dialog. Expand the “Rhythmyx CMS” node and select “Item Filter”, and click the “Next >” button. As for the rest, search for “Creating a New Item Filter” in the Workbench help.

In general, you have to go to the location where you are using the exit. The screen in your gif is the definition of the exit. The values for all params are set each time the exit is used (exits are used in many different places, so would need to understand what you are trying to accomplish to give a more precise answer.)

As john_s points out, for pub filtering, you need to edit an item filter (or create a new one.) If you open the ‘public’ item filter, click on the sys_filterByPublishableFlag rule entry and then click on the ellipsis button, you will see the value you are interested in in this context.

Thank you so much for the help. I have the value updated.

[QUOTE=paulhoward;16626]In general, you have to go to the location where you are using the exit. The screen in your gif is the definition of the exit. The values for all params are set each time the exit is used (exits are used in many different places, so would need to understand what you are trying to accomplish to give a more precise answer.)

As john_s points out, for pub filtering, you need to edit an item filter (or create a new one.) If you open the ‘public’ item filter, click on the sys_filterByPublishableFlag rule entry and then click on the ellipsis button, you will see the value you are interested in in this context.[/QUOTE]