How do I implement an RSS feed on my page?

I have watched your video on setting up an RSS feed. However, I am not able to implement this widget as suggested. Please help! The video instructed me to use the Page Auto list, which I did. But nothing.

Hi Julie,
It sounds like the video you watched concerned setting the up the page auto-list widget to generate an RSS feed. Are you trying to pull in an RSS feed from an external location? If so, you would want to use the RSS widget instead.

You would want to copy the URL for the feed you want to include, and paste it into the widget under the “Content” tab. In the layout tab, you can control how the feed renders, such as how many posts to display.

Thanks so much, Jon! I am trying to use the RSS widget now and am using the URL:…. The URL works when use it in the HTML widget. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, again :slight_smile:


The URL you have there appears to be invalid, and additionally links to an HTML page as opposed to an RSS or XML file. Can you double check your URL and make sure you have one that points to an active RSS feed?

To test your RSS widget and delivery services configuration, you can try inputting this RSS feed from CNN into your RSS widget:… . Please remember that you will have to publish the page which houses this RSS widget and access the published page on your live server in order to view the RSS feed.



I am using this URL: Still not working. The only other thing I can think of is the MIME type is incorrect. Jim set the MIME type as: “application/rss+xml” to go along with the extension of “.rss”.



Can you point me to the published page which now houses the CNN RSS feed (I assume it’s on one of your lives sites)? I would like to look into the code to see if I can identify what’s happening here.


On the homepage:


From looking over your code, I don’t believe this is a MIME-type issue. This is a piece which interacts with your delivery services (and the Helicon Ape tool). I am going to create an internal support ticket for us so I can take a closer look at some of your relevant configuration files. Please check your inbox for that shortly.


To close off the loop on this thread, this issue was fixed when Julie upgraded to CM1 2.8, at which point we were able to bypass the Helicon tool for proxing, and instead we setup her CM1 site to point directly to her DTS Tomcat server for all DTS content.