How do I lock down the “Additional Code” block in the Meta-data area so that Contributors cannot edit

How do I lock down the “Additional Code” block in the Meta-data area so that Contributors cannot edit? Right now it’s open so any contributor could add their own JavaScript or CSS to the pages. If I can’t lock down individual areas of the Meta-data area, can I at least lock down the whole Meta-data section?


Hey Paul,

Currently, there’s no way to lock down the Additional Code insertion points. If a user has permissions to edit a page, they can also edit that page’s meta-data. Keep in mind that even the basic Rich Text widget has a source view that would allow a user to manually enter code / link to external JS or CSS files. If you have users who you think could attempt to hi-jack a page with their own code, you will definitely want to setup a solid workflow process so that a second set of eyes looks over their content before it get approved.

As always, if this level of control is not satisfactory for your use-case, please post an Idea on here. Thanks!

Okay Thanks. We’ll have to just address it in training for now.