HOw do removals on scheduled publishes work?


I had an event page set to auto remove this morning and it didn’t. When I went to check the schedule it looked like didn’t have a removal date. So now I have put one in, for 9:20 this morning.

If someone assigns a removal date, will cm1 take down the page even if a site publish is not done? Does the removal work live on a page by pages basis, or is it still linked to when the next site publish is run, then it removes it?

I also tried a removal under the page publishing options. It doesn’t appear to affect the live site. So is that option also based on a site publish as well?

I need to pull this thing down into archive mode.

I have job postings that are set to archive mode, I ran a site publish and they are still listed. Please help this is causing major problems for me.

Individual page publishing is not working either. I just made a change to this job posting and published out the page and its not showing up on the live server.

Here is the log from my site publish this morning.

THis is weird. I set the date of my gala event page this morning, under meta data to today and it appeared to work and reflex on the new site. It feels like 1/2 publishes are working others are not. Its definatly not working where auto list widgets are concerned.

Hi Sandy,

We have reached out via the support ticket to request more info to help us troubleshoot. You should be receiving an email notification shortly.
