How do you delete old variants?

We have converted a lot of our variants into Velocity templates and now would like to disassociate the old ones from the content types. However, when I try to delete them from the content type’s “Allowed Templates and XSL Variants” folder, I get the error that says it can’t be deleted because of associations with Content Item/Folder.

First, I ran the VariantConverter tool to switch references of the old variant to the new template. Then, I queried the variant id in the PSX_OBJECTRELATIONSHIP table and cleaned up anything the VariantConverter didn’t catch. What other steps can I perform?


Definitely flush cache on the Admin Console or restart the instance after updating the DB directly.

Couple other things you can try. The system does a dependency search when deleting design objects. This will search through content and then it uses MSM’s dependency logic to see if there are any other dependencies.

Based on that, one thing you could try is to create an MSM package just for the variant. Go through the MSM screens until you get to the one that shows dependencies. It may be that that shows a reference to the variant that is blocking the deletion.

It is also possible that there is an inline link or inline template in a body field that has the variant id referenced that the converter missed. Try doing a regular expression search in the database through any body fields for the sys_variantid.


[QUOTE=efleming;20745]We have converted a lot of our variants into Velocity templates and now would like to disassociate the old ones from the content types. However, when I try to delete them from the content type’s “Allowed Templates and XSL Variants” folder, I get the error that says it can’t be deleted because of associations with Content Item/Folder.

First, I ran the VariantConverter tool to switch references of the old variant to the new template. Then, I queried the variant id in the PSX_OBJECTRELATIONSHIP table and cleaned up anything the VariantConverter didn’t catch. What other steps can I perform?
