How do you pull the analytics for different pages on the dashboard

There is a gadget on the dashboard called google setup…I’ve signed in and connected but how do i pull the anayltics for pages.

Hi Mallorie,

You can do this in 2 different ways.

  1. You can add a Gadget to your dashboard called traffic. And set it up to see the traffic on that site.
  2. Log-into your Google Analytics account and view the traffic through the profile you have set up.

Please let us know if you have any further questions,
Alexis Karlin
Percussion Software

Thanks! I see that i can add the traffic gadget but will that allow me to pull traffic for certain pages or only for the overall website?

I have this question too. I thought in the demo there was talk of custom traffic info for certain users/pages. I’m not seeing that option though. I may have misunderstood but general traffic for the whole website wouldn’t really help anyone but the admins.