How does sys_PublishedSiteItems generator work?

How does sys_PublishedSiteItems generator work? How does it decide which items to be included in the list?


It works by calling the IPSPublisherService.findSiteItems(site, context) method.

This method will return all items on that site which have either been published successfully, or unpublished unsuccessfully, by performing a query against the SiteItems table. It skips any items that are in Site Items but have been purged (which means that they are no longer in the Content Status table).

This generator is intended to be used with an appropriate unpublish filter for generating unpublish content lists. Do you have some other use in mind?


No other use. I intend to use this with the OOB unpublish filter. I am trying to troubleshoot why I have items “stuck” in the unpublish list…

I have tried manually setting unpublish entries in site items table to success. However, the same items get caught again and again in unpublish.

All I can tell you is what the code does. The select statement includes both items which have published successfully and unpublished unsuccessfully. Unless there is some caching going on, I don’t see why setting the table as you describe would not work.

You can always write an item filter exit to remove these items and add this to your unpublish filter.