How to add custom text to links for slot?

Percussion doesn’t allow me to use custom text to links for slot.

I’d like to show you one example being a problem.

On the Footer, there is a link “En Español” and it goes to the page “En Español” which is working as slot. Percussion generates the linked text from the title of the slot.

However, I want to add the link just “Español” instead of “En Español;” I want to use custom text link.

In short, I need to use custom text to links for slot as below:

  • Linked text: Español
  • Page title: En Español

Please advise me.


It sounds to me like you need two different fields. One “LinkTitle” field on the item that is used in the Snippet rendered in the slot (LinkTitle = “Espanol”), and a Second “PageTitle” field which is used on the Page Templates.
