How To: Bulk upload and approve assets

How To: Bulk upload and approve assets
Applies To: v2.3 +
Description: With the release of 2.3, the Bulk Upload gadget has the ability to bulk upload assets and set them to “Approved” status. This allows an Admin or Editor to add assets in bulk without having to approve them one-by-one at a later time.
Steps to use:

  1. After logging in to the CM1 as an Administrator or Editor, drag the Bulk Upload gadget to your dashboard.

  1. Select the folder you would like to upload assets into. Clicking the plus (+) will expand the folder while clicking on the folder name will select it (indicated by green highlighting).

  1. Select the type of asset from the drop down (yellow arrow). Also, for automatic approval of uploaded assets, check the “Approve assets” box. This option is selected by default (yellow box).

  1. Click the “Add File” button to open the file browser to select your files for upload. Hold Ctrl to click and select multiple files. Each file selected will be added to the upload queue.

  1. To view the details of the items selected for upload, expand the “Details” section by clicking the plus (+) (yellow). Click the X (red) to remove an item.

  1. Click “Upload” to upload the files in your queue. The status bars will show the status of each item being uploaded. Complete uploads will be removed from the list.

  1. When uploading is complete. An “Upload Complete” message will display (yellow box). Each item uploaded will now be visible in the corresponding folder through the Finder.

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