How to change Community name


Following our upgrade from 5.7 to Rx 6.5.2 we have some community names carried over from the old system which contain underscores. For consistency I want to change the underscores to hyphens in the community name field, but in the workbench the field is read-only.

Anyone got any ideas?



In the Rhythmyx Workbench, go to the Security tab. Right-click on the Community you want to rename and from popup menu, choose Rename. (This functionality is is identical to the functionality in MS Windows.)

See the topic “Object Right-click Menus” in the Rhythmyx Workbench Help for more details.

Note, BTW, that certain characters are no longer valid in object names. See Upgrading Rhythmyx Version 5.7 and Earlier. Each object has a label as well as a name, however, and the label can contain these restricted characters. Rhythmyx displays the label to the Business User in Content Explorer. If you are concerned with the display to the Business User, check the label; you may not need to change the name.



I have tried using the right-click ‘Rename’ action but it will not allow hyphens despite many of the existing (and fully functional) community names containing them. Go figure!
However, the Label field in the Properties window is locked, so cannot change it at all.

I was wondering if the renaming could be done in the database in the RXCOMMUNITY table?



I was able to change an underscore to a hyphen, confirming that it’s not a restricted character. Can you make a different change to the Community and see if that works?

One other thing to check: is there an ACL on the Community object? Are you logged in to a Role that has Update privileges in the ACL?



I have checked the ACL by right-clicking the community name and selecting Security, and the Default settings in the workbench allow updates. I am in the Admin role so should have all the permissions to change things but still cannot add a hyphen into the community name and the properties box is locked so cannot change the label field either.
This is the error message:
name cannot contain the following illegal character(s): ‘-’



I decided to try changing the names in the RXCOMMUNITY table in the database (using our Dev server!) and this worked fine. All hyphens were accepted and the new-style names now appear both in the workbench and the content explorer.

I am going to repeat the process on Live as it worked well on Dev



We managed to reproduce the behavior you observed on a patched Rx 6.5.2 system; it appears to have been introduced in a patch, as we did not observe this behavior on an unpatched 6.5.2 system.

The new release we are working on corrects the behavior.

Also, I have been given additional information about the Label of the Community. The Community object does not have a specific Label field. The Label property you are seeing is a “pseudoproperty” from the Eclipse platform underlying the Rhythmyx Workbench. Since the Community object itself does not have a Label field, the value of the property is derived from the name of the Community object and is therefore not editable.

This is not the case for most other objects, which have a specific Label field.

I hope that clarifies the situation.


Thanks for the update.

I am guessing the “new release we are working on” is 6.6? Correct? Or is there another patch we can apply to ‘fix’ the behaviour?



Yes, I meant Version 6.6.


Changing the names directly in RXCOMMUNITY will likely result in undesirable behavior as the community name is used to control community visibility of design objects via the object ACLs. Depending on your settings, you could lose visibility of 1 or more of your design objects in the renamed community.

Thanks Paul, but I found this out the hard way! Luckily it was on the development server… but Tech Support have recommended applying the latest Patch, which I will do on the development server either today or next week, other work permitting.

If this works, I will document this on the Forum as I am probably not the only one who needs to change community names from time to time.
