How To Change the Slot template for a specific slot item

How can the $params.template be changed for a specific item in a slot?

The slot marco has the for loop

#foreach($relresult in $sys.currentslot.relresults )##
#__startAaSnippetDiv($relresult $slotname)##
#__addAaSnippetImg($relresult $slotname)##
#set($body = “$rx.doc.extractBody($relresult)”)##

How can the slot’s $params.template be changed for a specific item depending on the slot items content type. In our system all the content types have a field called

So we can use the following code to get the content type

#if ($relresult.Node.getProperty(“contenttypename”).String==“rffGeneric”)
##Code to change slot item template

So all I need is the code to change the slot item template, any takers?

Thanks in advance

FYI, you don’t need a custom field for each content type to figure out the content type name…that is available via:


Yeah, I know…probably too late to make a change :frowning:

To your question, you may be able to use $rx.asmhelper.assemble to pass it the item and a specific template, but I haven’t actually tried that…Why exactly do you need the template changed? (Ie force a particular template regardless of what the user chooses?)


You can also use $relresult.Node.definition.internalName to return the ContentType name ( without the rx:).

Tyrone, I’d suggest using a Dispatch template. Set $params.template to your Dispatch template and set the logic of which snippet to display based on the content type.



Thanks for the Dispatch template suggestion, that should definately work.
