How to convert all the landing pages to index.html


I’m trying to convert all the landing pages to index.html.

Choosing landing page option check box on the generic content should covert as a ‘index.html’ when publish the site. Is there any documentation available?


This would be done in the location schemes, which determine how items where content will be published in terms of folder structure and what the file names will be. If by landing page, you mean an item which has been insert into the Navon’s landing page slot, you can detect this with the isLandingPage function. When you are editing the location schemes, there is an option which you can click (I forget what it is, but it should be pretty obvious) that will expand and display all the functions availble to you when writing location schemes. You will find the isLanding page function there which will describe it’s parameter(s), along with a short description.

Thanks. I got it right and it’s working fine now