how to create xml output


all the work i have done in rhythmx so far involved producing html for output - and as far as i remember back to my developer training about 3/4 years ago, this is all we were taught to do.

I want to create an RSS feed so have created a new RSS_ce application and a new RSS_cas application.

I then plan to create an auto-index that gathers together all the content items created using the above apps and publishes and rss feed xml document.

my first stumbling block is how to output from the RSS_cas xml that simply gives me my item, description, category and comment tags.

i only know how to output html, not xml. Is this documented somewhere. This is probably a really stupid question but not having done this in rhythmyx before i have no clue where to start.

I have put a page assembler in my cas with no variant and when i preview my content item i get the full xml, but i want to cut this down so that it just gives me the fields identified above.

i would be grateful for any help.



It’s really no different from producing a Variant that generates HTML; you need a XSLT stylesheet that transforms the XML generated by the resource into the output you want.

XSpLit won’t help you with this, though. You’ll have to hand-code the XSLT. If you’re not used to working with XSLT, Jenni Tennison’s Beginning XSLT is a good starting resource.


thank you - xslt is fine - think i am probably trying to make this much harder than it actually is.


Hi Michelle

Typically the items that appear in an rss list are those which already exist so I would create a shared template which is used across all content types which you need to include in your rss list. Are the fields description and category shared fields?

Your rss_cas application can then be used to generate the list (together with your AI query resource).

I’ve attached two templates that I used to create a podcast index. You will need to add/remove your required fields. The /*/@gettaxonomypodcasts application is the query resource that returns all your podcasts.

Hope this helps
