How to disable the 6.7 scheduling system?

In 6.7 I have a number of scheduled publishing tasks using the (great) inbuilt scheduling system.

When I take a ‘cut’ of my live server and copy it to a development environment, I want to disable scheduled publishing prior to starting the CM server. Is this possible?

In the ‘old’ days I just disabled (or didn’t have) any Windows scheduled tasks on my development server so it was easy, but now, I have a 6.7 inbuilt publishing task that runs every couple of minutes, publishing may start immediately after starting up my server - which on my development environment I want to avoid - as its going to publish to the live server.

Is there a best practice for doing this before starting the server? Ideally I’d love a “Disable Scheduling” option in a .properties/xml file that I can have on my development server to stop the scheduler.

Failing that, should I go into the database and do something in there (perhaps remove the connection details from the site definition table)?

I’m just concerned that if I restore an old copy of a production environment onto a development server, its quite probably that old content could get published to my live environment.

The same issue no doubt applies for customers who send in copies of their 6.7 environment to Percussion technical support - as there’s a possibility that a system running from Percussion (or say a partner firms environment) could publish to the customers live FTP server - which is a huge concern.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

This can be done by specifying the Server entry for the scheduled tasks.
For example, if you set the “Server” to be the production machine name, then that task will only run from the production machine, but not invoked by the dev machine