How to get the contents of the Snippet template in the Landing Page Slot

The “Nav Landing Page (rffNavLandingPage)” slot, is defined as a regular slot, and under the Allowed Content section allows content types/snippet templates.

So when a navon’s Landing page is set, a user could link a a file content type with a Snippet Link template, that opens the link in a new window.

So the standard Managed Navigation code looks like this

#set($submenu = $node.getNodes(“nav:submenu”))
#foreach ($navon in $submenu)
<!-- Standard code to get the Navon title, url, axis -->
#set($title = $node.getProperty(“rx:displaytitle”).String)
#set($landing_page = $node.getProperty(“nav:url”).String)
#set($axis = $node.getProperty(“nav:axis”).String)

<!-- How to get the contents of the Snippet template of the Landing Page–>

Within the foreach loop, does any one know how to get the contents of Snippet template, that the LandingPage is set to.

Thanks in adv

Ok I just figured out by using #node_slot($node “rffNavLandingPage” “” “” “” “” “”)##

See below

#set($submenu = $node.getNodes(“nav:submenu”))
#foreach ($navon in $submenu)
#set($title = $node.getProperty(“rx:displaytitle”).String)
#set($landing_page = $node.getProperty(“nav:url”).String)
#set($axis = $node.getProperty(“nav:axis”).String)

#node_slot($node “rffNavLandingPage” “” “” “” “” “”)
