How to implement Integration with Google Analytics?

I have been referred to this forum by Paul at Percussion Technical support for guidance on how to integrate Google Analytics with version 6.5.2. I found this quote on the forum but Technical Support don’t seem to be able to help:

The pre-packaged Web Analytics Solution described here is an optional add-on to the base Percussion CM System. We can also integrate existing third party Web Analytics packages, including free services such as Google Analytics. This type of capability is offered through Technical Services and requires only the base platform. Ultimately, the choice is really “buy” or “build.”’

Basically we need to do a ‘most popular links’ widget on some of our pages and this CRM approach as I understand it, needs a stats package and Google Analytics seems a good choice as we already use it and Percusion mention it.
I find it very suprising that Technical Support have no documentation to support this procedure.

So does anybody know how to do this?

Percussion can assist you with integration of Google Analytics, creating polls, or creating ‘most popular’ type widgets, however this is considered implementation and/or customization, both of which are beyond the scope of TS. Technical Support can help you with any error you’re receiving or with product functionality questions. Typically, any “how do I…” type questions should be asked in these member forums. Alternatively, if your questions are involved or complicated you could enlist our Technical services team to analyze your implementation, answer your questions, and provide recommendations specific to your needs.

That being said, since Google holds all of the data it collects, the only thing that you can do is make sure you have all of the appropriate tags on your local and global templates so that Google can collect the info you want. Deciding what tags need to be added and where you want them will vary based on what you specifically want to accomplish. If you want your ‘most popular’ list to be based off of Google Analytics, you’re going to need at least a part of our web analytics solution, which can be purchased through sales.

With regards to the web analytics solution, I have sent your sales representative an email noting this forum post and your TS ticket. You should hear from her shortly.

[QUOTE=bwilder;12786]Percussion has developed a separate module for CM System (Rhythmyx) that can provide the functionality you’re looking for, but it’s not a standard part of the product. This means that if you’re interested in it, you need to get in touch with your account representative so that she can discuss your specific needs and how we can fulfill those needs for you.

Alternatively, you could create this functionality yourself, which would be considered a customization of the product. TS cannot assist you with implementation or customization questions. If you decide to take this route, the best recommendation we (TS) can provide you is to post your specific questions in this forum where Technical Services group or other CM System users can provide you with the most timely assistance.

In order to move this issue along internally, I have picked up this ticket and notified your account representative of your inquiry. You should hear from both of us offline shortly.


Thanks bwilder. Is that available for 6.5.2 or only later versions?

Does this solution needs any specific web server or application server like Apache/ Tomcat/ IIS to work?
We have IIS as the web server. Will this solution be compatible with IIS server?
