How to Implement the PSODynamicDropDown Control in Percussion CM System 6.7

How to Implement the PSODynamicDropDown Control in Percussion CM System 6.7

This document will walk you through implementing the PSODynamicDropDown Control using a very basic scenario. Your scenario will more than likely be very different and probably more complicated, but once you understand the basics, all the rest are simply details based on your particular business case.

In this basic example, I’ll be using two fields:
The pid field will be used to update the values of the department field.

This document assumes that you already have the PSODynamicDropDown Control installed. If you do not have the PSODynamicDropDown Control installed, please do so now before continuing.

This document assumes that you already have the PSODynamicDropDown Control installed. If you do not have the PSODynamicDropDown Control installed, please do so now before continuing.[/QUOTE]

I have copied over the rx_resources folder under my Rhythmyx installation folder - but I don’t see this new control in my selection list for a field. What am I missing ?
Can you give some instructions for installation of a control ?

The PDF, that is also attached, goes through steps to implement the PSODynamicDropDown Control, did it not show up even after following those steps?

The pdf only shows how to use the PSODDD - not how to install the control in the first place.
From the deploy.xml in the zip, I figured, all we have to do is to copy over the rx_resources folder under the Rhythmyx installation folder. But could never see the PSODDD in the choice list. I even tried closing and restarting Rhythmyx.

I think my installation was wrong. Will update this post once I get it figured out.

Installation went through without problems - i had installed it earlier at a wrong location. Thanks.

could you please give us the good location?

Thank you.