How to Import Missing Pages?

If I am missing individual pages after a bulk upload of pages into CM1, how do I get those pages moved over? Is there a way to import a single page? Or do I need to create a page in CM1 and copy and paste my content over?

Hi Cathy,

There are a couple ways you can do this. The simplest way may be to create a new page manually using the either the interior-template or the interiortemplatelefttab templates we had created (assuming those are still the names of the templates) and copy the main body content from the existing page and paste it into the empty Rich Text widget. You may have to adjust the text formatting in the editor a little bit to get it to look right. Note that all links copied over (if any) will be plain hard-coded links, not managed links, so you may want to edit them and redirect them to the proper pages in CM1 so that the links don’t break if you decide to relocate the content being linked to.

A second approach would be to individually import this page from the Design section of Percussion. To do this, hover over Actions > Add Template, and then enter the URL of the missing page and hit save. This will import the page and create a template for it. Once this page and template appear in your Design section, you can drag the page over to your main interior template, and match content as you typically would. Feel free to delete the unneeded template at this point. The page itself will be created at the root of your site, so you’ll need to drag it into place in the Finder.

For this later approach, again all links will be brought in as plain links as-is from your site, so you may want to edit them so that they become managed links. Also, your theme’s JavaScript files may get overwritten when you add a new page in such a way, as the system will again crawl your site for relevant theme files. However, your existing CSS files should remain intact.

Thanks, Nathaniel!

No problem, Cathy! Have a great weekend!