How to include <abbr> Abbreviate tag in TinyMCE content

An abbreviate HTML markdown can be easily rendered by content authors using TinyMCE’s textpattern plugin.
For example the user can include <abbr> tag for WWW(World Wide Web) like below by using few keys to press.
<abbr title=“World Wide Web”>WWW</abbr>
Steps to configure and use:
To configure textpattern plugin in TinyMCE config file:

  1. Include the textpattern plugin under plugins section of the TinyMCE config file.
    “plugins”: [
    “advlist autolink lists link charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak”,
    “searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen”,
    “insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality”,
    “emoticons template paste textcolor textpattern”,
    “noneditable rxinline”
  2. Add formats for the Acronym like:
    “formats”: {
    “WHO”: { “inline”: “abbr”, “attributes”: { “title”: “World Health Organization”}},
    “WWW”: { “inline”: “abbr”, “attributes”: { “title”: “World Wide Web”}
  3. Add texpattern key configuration like:
    “textpattern_patterns”: [
    {“start”: “*1”, “end”: “*1”, “format”: “WHO”},
    {“start”: “*2”, “end”: “*2”, “format”: “WWW”}
    Note: Every start pattern should match the same end pattern. Also each acronym pattern should have unique start and end pattern.

To use the configured acronym in the TinyMCE editor:
The user must enclose the word(string) to abbreviate with the start and end pattern of the configured abbreviation and followed by a space character.

For example to abbreviate WWW from the above mentioned configurations, the user would type *2WWW*2 and a space character.

Sample TinyMCE config file content with textpattern configuration:
“config_css”: “…/rx_resources/tinymce/tinymce1.css”,
“plugins”: [
“advlist autolink lists link charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak”,
“searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen”,
“insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality”,
“emoticons template paste textcolor textpattern”,
“noneditable rxinline”
“formats”: {
“WHO”: { “inline”: “abbr”, “attributes”: { “title”: “World Health Organization”}},
“WWW”: { “inline”: “abbr”, “attributes”: { “title”: “World Wide Web”}
“textpattern_patterns”: [
{“start”: “*1”, “end”: “*1”, “format”: “WHO”},
{“start”: “*2”, “end”: “*2”, “format”: “WWW”}
“relative_urls”: false,
“remove_script_host” : false


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