How To: Resolve region tooltip on published pages

How To: Resolve Region Titles Tooltip[SIZE=2]

Applies To: v1.8 + lower

Resolved: v2.0 +[/SIZE]
Issue: When hovering the mouse cursor over regions on a published page, a tooltip appears with the region title.

Resolution: To resolve this issue, a block of JavaScript can be applied to the template head. The script will remove the title attribute from all region DIVs, preventing the tooltip from appearing. This will not remove the tooltip from images or non-region DIVs.


<script type=”text/javascript”>
      $(document).ready(function() {


[ol]After logging in to the CM1 as an Administrator, browse to the site templates in Design mode (yellow highlight). After double clicking the site name in Finder, select the template to work on (red arrow).

After selecting the template, the additional tabs will become active.

On the Content tab, click the Meta-data link (red arrow) to open the edit dialog.

In the box labeled “Additional head content” add the provided script (red box).

Click the Save button (red arrow) at the bottom of the dialog to apply the changes to the template.

In the Finder, traverse to a page utilizing the template just modified. Confirm the template used by comparing the Selected Template to the Template shown in the page properties (red highlights). Click the page link (red arrow) to preview the page. Confirm resolution by hovering the mouse on regions that showed the tooltip.

Repeat steps 1 – 4 for all templates requiring this fix.