How to set FTP timeouts?

Is there a way to change the timeout value used in FTP publishing? I’m publishing some large binary files that take longer than the default 1 minute timeout value.

The current behavior is actually quite unfortunate. The file ends up being uploaded successfully in about 90 seconds, but because the timeout value has been exceeded, Rhythmyx repeatedly tries it again until the retry limit (5) is reached. The net effect is that this file ends up taking 7.5 minutes to publish instead of 1.5.

Try setting a parameter in your Publisher named “serverrequesttimeout”. The value should be the number seconds to time out.

Thanks for the quick reply, but unfortunately, setting the parameter didn’t seem to work for me. After setting it, I restarted Rhythmyx, tried to publish my large file, and observed the same behavior. “Setting session timeout sec:60” is appearing in the publication logs as a debug statement. I’ve attached a screenshot that shows how I configured the publisher, in case I didn’t do it correctly.

Did I miss a step somewhere, or set the wrong property?

You did it correctly, but you need a different param. The param Dave gave you is the timeout when connecting to the Rx server to retrieve the content. I believe you want the timeout on the connection to the FTP server. To set this, set ftprcvtimeout to the desired value (180 in your case.)

Thanks - that was exactly what I was looking for!