How to use $rx.asmhelper.assemble

In the Implementation Guide, there is an example of how to use the assemble method:

$rx.asmhelper.assemble($sys.item, rffList, “template=’rffSnTitleCalloutLink’” )

What is rffList? If it is a variable, why doesn’t it have a dollar sign? If it is a string, why doesn’t it have quotes. But it shouldn’t be a string, because that parameter is supposed to be an IPSTemplateSlot

How do I get the IPSTemplateSlot to pass to this jexl extension?

The assembly service (available in a template as $sys.asm) has methods for this. IPSAssemblyService extends IPSTemplateService, and the template service javadoc lists the methods you need (most likely “findSlotByName()”)

I agree the example could be a little more complete.


Thanks. Sorry I sounded cranky.

[QUOTE=dbenua;12079]The assembly service (available in a template as $sys.asm) has methods for this. IPSAssemblyService extends IPSTemplateService, and the template service javadoc lists the methods you need (most likely “findSlotByName()”)

I agree the example could be a little more complete.
