HTML within textarea tag

I am trying to enter html code within a textarea box in an ephox field, but when I update the content item, the html inside the textarea disappears.
I’ve tried using html name and number equivalents for open and close tags but they disappear too. How can I handle this?

<textarea cols="30" rows="10">
<p>Copy this code</p>


Bad news and Good news on this.

I was able to reproduce the behavior with the latest Patch and version 7.3. We’ve logged a bug with Ephox on this as text mangling happens before CM System gets the text. That is the bad news.

The good news is that with the new Tiny MCE (JavaScript) rich text editor in the patch that is currently in QA, this problem does not occur.

[QUOTE=efleming;21196]I am trying to enter html code within a textarea box in an ephox field, but when I update the content item, the html inside the textarea disappears.
I’ve tried using html name and number equivalents for open and close tags but they disappear too. How can I handle this?

<textarea cols="30" rows="10">
<p>Copy this code</p>


Thanks Nate.

Any chance this will get patched in 7.2 as well?


The new TinyMCE editor will only be available on version 7.3.
