HTML5 support in rich text editor

We greatly need the tiny mce to support html5 sonner rather than later.

Hi Joe,

I second this, and I’m going to switch this topic type to “Idea” so that other customers can add their support (by way of starring this topic), and also so that this post will be more visible to the members of the product management team here.

If you have any specific examples where more complete HTML5 support would be needed when using the rich text editor, sharing them on here can only help give this more traction. Similarly, feel free to weigh in these other two topics where the use of HTML5 within the Rich Text widget has been mentioned:

Do any other customers have an example where they’re being held back by lack of HTML5 support in the rich text editor?


Thanks Nathaniel. The ability to add an a tag around a block of content that you can now do in html5 is a big drawback for us. When you have lists of posts or blog articles, the user expericnce today is that the whole block should be one big link. The rich text editor’s tidy support doesn’t allow for this.

Another example is suing the new blovk elvel tags (footer, header, section, aside etc). Since we are wantign to create a responsive design, having full html5 support is key for us, especially when adding in support for mobile devices using form fields (placeholder attribute on input fields, input type=email, input type=phone etc).

Yes, your first example has come up before. The rich text editor will auto-format out any anchor tags wrapped around block elements, and currently the best way around this is to use a HTML widget for such HTML5-specific code, and switch the page over to the HTML5 doctype through the template’s meta-data. Thanks for sharing these good examples, Joe!

This is on the roadmap, though I don’t know when the feature is expected to be in a release.

The sooner it can get released, the better adoption I bet you get with the product. Not many cms systems have this ability and there is a huge need for it.

In our 2.10 release, we delivered support for HTML5 in the RTE. This phase focused on a “do no harm” strategy. If a user adds HTML5 tags in the code view of the RTE, we will not strip them out.