I am interested in people’s thoughts and experiences with the Coach to Live Program

I am interested in people’s thoughts and experiences with the Coach to Live Program.

I just finished the coach to live program and was very satisfied by it. My coach was great. He was personable and knowledgeable about every question/problem I had getting my new website off of my current server and onto our new one with Percussion. Having the program also greatly reduced the learning curve of how to use Percussion to its fullest potential right away rather than poking around in the dark looking/figuring things out. I would highly advise you to use the program. If you do use it I would also advise you to sharply focus on getting as much of your site up in 90 days and before as possible. Having the coach devoted to your specific needs/issues during setup, going live and even a little while after would be an amazing relief. You get used to having complete access to your coach for a little while every week. The coach becomes a co-worker. Bouncing ideas off each other, solving problems together, talking about future tweeks you can do to your site … you really miss it when it is gone and need to take as much advantage of it as possible while it is there.

I was nervous about it ending… I did not feel I was ready at all.

But, that was me and being afraid to let go of his hand. Once I began working in the system, I saw how much he had taught me. Little notes here and there he gave to me began clicking and while I had to contact him a few times to clarify - it was mainly because I was nervous about making that decision on my own.

The more I worked within the system the more confident I got and I saw much of what he taught me - finally connecting.

I want to mention that my website is one website made of well over 160 websites. I really feel confident now, appreciate this forum for questions and others insight relating to CM1.