IDEA: Asset by Status - add Instant Publish button

Jan Doe uploaded 400 PDFs, literally
Jan Doe forgot to approve asset (silly Jan Doe but that’s ok!)
Jan Doe selected all 400 PDFs to “Approve”
Jan Doe went to Publish page, clicked Incremental Publish button
Jan Doe does not see any of her PDFs in there
Jan Doe does NOT want to do Full Publish which takes about 30 hours, literally
Jan Doe does NOT want to do Individual Publish for each PDF which takes about 40 days, literally

To save Jan Doe time, please add “Instant Publish” in Assets By Status workflow. See the mockup below with bright orange button.

Instant Publish = “Micro” Full Publish without all pages and files, only handful files are selected.

For goodness sake, please make this happen already! We’re sick of doing many unnecessary steps :slight_smile:

I completely agree with you @Aaron.

We had to setup an automated publish every morning at 3AM to help with full site publishes since they take about 2 to 3 hours for us.  During which Percussion just crawls in performance.

We did the same thing by doing auto-full publish every 3:15 a.m. in the morning.

Sometimes they are impatient and wanted these files LIVE this very instant. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I agree.  Especially when it’s mandated by the state that stuff be available by a specific date/time.

Aaron, thanks again for sharing your ideas.  It looks like this one is already getting some traction with other users!  I will continue to monitor the interest.

We’ve been asking for this for quite a while as well. Hopefully it’s something they can implement soon.

Thanks Court. Any progress on this? :slight_smile: