Ideas or suggestions for new site changes or features - Help Percussion Community! is our current website. We are creating a new site structure and moving to responsive web design. As fellow Percussion users, will you take a look and see what other suggestions you have for our site? This is our last chance to get any new features into the game plan.

I have been personally on the new site, and really, really like the new look John…

Great work!

Thanks Chris. It’s the site I’ve had in my minds eye for 2 years. I’m glad we can finally make it a reality with the Percussion system and a lot of hard work by Armani. We plan on launching at close to 100% functionality and 70% content next week. I’ll have to add and change some content over the next month or 2, but all in all it will be ready to go. I can’t wait to see what our customers think.

Nice readable font, and I like how your top area, while there is a lot of text links, does not look text heavy due to the color variations you choose.

Very nice large images, readable text on the images - good amount of space between everything (not crowded) and I really like how your Read More button was not distracting but was apparent.

You have a lot of content but it is not fighting to “be seen” - which can cause a visual conflict. I really like your roll overs on the right side.

Really well thought out… also like how your top nav stays put… nice tie in with the background pattern also.

Thanks Debbie! We have worked very hard towards those exact features and functions you mentioned. I still have a lot of work to do, but it looks like we will finally have that easy to use (user or admin side) and easy to update site we’ve always wanted. I appreciate your comments so much. I still remember speaking to you when we first came on board with Percussion and all the valuable advice you gave me.

Thank you :slight_smile: