
I have deleted a content item 11111 by mistake. now i am getting an exception stating IllegalStateException child id 11111 does not exist in tem cache, but is a dependant of relationship id, 22222.
I have lot of content in the folder where i deleted this content item. Now i am getting this exception when clicking on thefolder.

Any idea what could be wrong?


When you say ‘deleted,’ I assume you mean permanently removed (purged in Rx parlance)?
If so, I don’t understand why you got into this state as the system should have deleted any relationships with the purged item. (Actually, I should ask how you deleted it.)

In any case, the easiest fix should be to run the rxfix tool. You can do this from a browser. Log in as an admin. goto http://server:[port]/Rhythmyx/admin/index.faces and select the appropiate link. You should see a list of what can be fixed by this tool. One of the entries is ‘Fix broken relationships.’ You can choose just this one, or allow everything to be fixed (suggested.) If you want to play it safe, press the ‘Preview’ button first. This will run all the tools and display what it found w/o actually changing anything. You then need to make an additional request to make the changes. After successfully making the changes, reboot the Rx server.

Thank you for your response.

I have purged the item in the content explorer. I did fix this problem by deleting the row in the Object relationship table and restarting the RX server. This fixed the problem.

From your reply i learned another way to fix the problem.

Thank you very much.
