We sometimes use the image widget to add a banner to a page. In the code, it adds alt, not alt="". It is failing accessibility audits with ’ [The image does not have the correct alternative]’.
Hi Lloyd,
Do you know what patch level you are on or is there an example page where you are seeing the behavior? Looking at the widget source, I would expect to see alt="" in the published HTML if the alt text is empty:
#if($rendering == 'image')##
#if($img_height.length() > 0 && $img_width.length() > 0)##
<img src="$!{biglink}" $!{img_title_attr} alt="$!{img_alt}" #if("$!ariaLabel" != "")aria-label="$!ariaLabel"#end #if("$!longdesc" != "")longdesc="$!longdesc"#end height="$!{img_height}" width="$!{img_width}"/>
<img src="$!{biglink}" $!{img_title_attr} alt="$!{img_alt}" #if("$!ariaLabel" != "")aria-label="$!ariaLabel"#end #if("$!longdesc" != "")longdesc="$!longdesc"#end/>
#if($rendering == 'lightbox')##
<div class="ui-widget ui-widget-content" id="percImageTWLBBox-$!{assetItem.id}">
<a href="$!{biglink}" $!{img_title_attr} #if("$!ariaLabel" != "")aria-label="$!ariaLabel"#end>
<img src="$!{link}" alt="$!{img_alt}" #if("$!longdesc" != "")longdesc="$!longdesc"#end" #if("$!ariaLabel" != "")aria-label="$!ariaLabel"#end height="$!{img_height}" width="$!{img_width}" />
Lloyd, are you referring to SiteImprove accessibility audit checker?
Yes. We have the full Siteimprove platform.