Image thumbnail not being created

Hi, we are using the web services API (Rx 6.5.2) to create image content types on Rhythmyx. The problem is that the thumbnails are not being created when images are saved through the web services API but are created if we create an image content item through WebDAV or through the Content Explorer.
We’ve tried putting the thumbnail generator as an input transform and pre-processor but it doesn’t work in either case.

Why won’t the thumbnail get created when using the web service API?

I’ve tracked down the exact line (54) in PSOThumbnailGenerator where our problem is happening:

if(parent_mimetype.indexOf(“image”) >= 0)

where ‘parent_mimetype’ is retrieved from PSPurgableTempFile.getSourceContentType().

If you could tell us what we need to do to have PSPurgableTempFile return ‘image’ as part of the content type then we’ll be able to able generate thumbnails.

My apologies, let me back up because I now realize that this line (44):

Object obj = request.getParameterObject(sourceFieldName);

is not actually an instance of ‘PSPurgableTempFile’ and so we aren’t even entering the block of code that creates a thumbnail. Unfortunately, the log statement does not output what type it is so I’m at a loss now…


You’re correct that when you insert an item via Web Services, the “file” data isn’t a PSPurgableTempFile at all, it’s a Base64 encoded String.

The standard thumbnail generator program was written for direct uploads (where the server creates a PSPurgableTempFile) at a time when Web Services didn’t exist.

There are a few different versions of this program floating around. Which one are you using? I might have something better for you.


There’s no version number anywhere in the source that we have which we got from Jason so I’m not sure (it was described as being the ‘latest PSO toolkit’ dated Dec. 19).

Just for the record, the PSOToolkit for 6.5 has been updated to allow using it with Web Services. Anybody who needs this should request a copy of the latest toolkit (build 51 is the current build).

In addition, one of Ed’s problems was that he had not properly configured thumbnail previews in the Content Explorer. The procedure for this is explained in the “Customizing the Rhythmyx Context Explorer” pdf.
