Impact Analysis API through Template

I need to do an impact analysis on a content item through the template code.
The tool that I have setup is as follows:

I have a autoslot loop running that has a JCR Query to list all the content items. In the for loop, I would like to take each item, do an impact analysis on each item, and print the ancestor pages for that item.

I have done all the setup, but am stuck on the Impact analysis piece. My question, is that what is the API (if any) that I can use on the content items in the above for loop to execute Impact analysis on them.


The Impact Analysis tool isn’t really wired with an accessible API as it’s a remote applet.

However you can mimic allot of what the applet does using the published API in a JEXL extension for example.

Check out the source for the PSORelationshipTools and PSOParentFinder code in the PSO Toolkit.

That code gives examples for querying relationship type information like what you are looking for in a template.


[QUOTE=manvinder12;21111]I need to do an impact analysis on a content item through the template code.
The tool that I have setup is as follows:

I have a autoslot loop running that has a JCR Query to list all the content items. In the for loop, I would like to take each item, do an impact analysis on each item, and print the ancestor pages for that item.

I have done all the setup, but am stuck on the Impact analysis piece. My question, is that what is the API (if any) that I can use on the content items in the above for loop to execute Impact analysis on them.
