Implementing MS Word

I’m diving for the first time into Implementing Microsoft Word. I went through the steps outlined in the Implementing Word in Rhythmyx 6.7 document. Given all of the steps here, I figure I stood little chance of getting it working right off the bat. Sure enough, I logged into the Content Explorer to create a new content item and clicked “Launch Word” and nothing happens. I also tried to create a new Word document based on the template on my machine, but when I try “Save To Rhythmyx”, I get various errors. The document tells you from a configuration point of a view what is needed, but I don’t find anything about what you need to do to author content or troubleshoot. Any idea if this is in another piece of documentation or I am missing something?


What ‘various errors’ are you getting exactly? If you have not yet already, please submit a ticket to the Technical Support Portal so that we may look into this.
You may find the Support Portal at the following URL:


I’ll go ahead and submit a ticket. Before I did that, I posted here to make sure my basic approach was right, i.e - do the steps in the manual, then try to create a new content item in the Content Explorer, click “Launch Word” and then begin to create the document. How the overall process works end-to-end wasn’t clear to me from what I read.
