Importing multiple images and image metadata

Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to import large numbers of images into the CMS?
Is there a way to also import the metadata in JPEG files into the CMS at the same time?

We are looking at importing 2000-6000 images for a new site we are setting up.

If you have a Java or .NET coding background you can check out the Loader sample application in the WebServices\6.0.0\sample directory. Another option you could look at is configuring and enabling WebDav then you can drag and drop them in from Windows Explorer.


[QUOTE=mcolebank;20819]Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to import large numbers of images into the CMS?
Is there a way to also import the metadata in JPEG files into the CMS at the same time?

We are looking at importing 2000-6000 images for a new site we are setting up.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I’ll check into that. Do you know if the Loader allow you to parse out the metadata in the image files?

The Loader program is a very basic web service sample to import content / files.

Check out the Admin manual for 7.3, specifically the section on Binary Metadata on page 189. That whole section on Binary Management is worth reading as it is all new. We added Apache Tika for metadata extraction in this release. This should give you full image metadata extraction out of the box.