Importing pages from a development site to production


We are currently undergoing a huge site refresh and was wondering if it was possible to import the new templates in our development CM1 site, to our production CM1 site. We have the ability to publish our dev site onto a site that is under a firewall. My thinking is that we can use the ‘import’ tool for certain new pages and make the other updates (our main.css file, plugins, etc.) manually by downloading from dev, and uploading to our prod server. Will the import feature work okay? Will it allow us to edit the template later on (i.e. not be static)?

Thank you!


I know from talking with you that your setup is a little different than most. You actually have a separate instances of CM1 for your development server and production server. As a result, moving templates will be a little more work for you. You can use the Export/Import features of the Design Manager to move your templates, but you will also have to move the web resources and any associated content that was created.

If by the “import” tool you were thinking about LiveFirst and importing a live webpage, that will not work. LiveFirst is designed to import non-Percussion websites. You cannot import a Percussion generated website and use it to model templates.