In Pub Tab, how do you change in cms link column


When we view the publishing log and click on a run we see a report with the column headings “Filename, Operation, Status, CMS Link”.

When we click on an item under the CMS Link it starts with . This does not work because our server is at a remote hosted site.

Can we change this setting? I used the host name under the publishers configuration and the the site Address URL under the Site configuration but it did not change the value under the CMS Link column.


To get some hints, I ran this at the root of our cms install:
grep -r “” * | grep -v “Binary file” | grep -v “.log” | grep -v “html” | grep -v “No Such” | grep “xml”

Could it be this file: PSOPublishEdition-beans.xml

On my installation, the CMS link shows the IP address of the machine, which doesn’t appear in any settings I can see. Since we don’t store resources (css and site images) on the Rhythmyx server and use the absolute URL of the development web server as rxs_navbase, clicking on the CMS link looks terrible so we don’t do it.

What’s in the /Rhythmyx/rxconfig/Server/ file?

If there is a “bindAddress” property, the server will use this value as the host address. Otherwise, it will look at the InetAddress.getLocalHost() method. This is somewhat OS specific (see the Java Doc for for details)


I added that value to the file and it worked. Thanks!

Variation on the theme…

Is there a way to change the port and the protocol for these same URLs?