inactive images not appearing in published pages

I’m having difficulty getting inactive nav images to appear in my generic template (top menu). When I preview a generic item all three (active, inactive and rollover appear); all three images publish to the correct location; and when I change the context to “1” on the generic page all three appear corrctly in the source (for both preload images and the actual menu). Examples below are for preload images:


However when the generic pages are actually published the code looks like this:


Has anyone encountered anything like this? Any ideas?

Could be related to your publishing location. Have a look at the config under the publishing tab.

I’ve tried that using one of the other images location schemes and modifying the “_r” to “_i” and the filename for inactive image. But the images themselves do publish to the correct location and when I change the context to one on the page that I’m previewing (generic page with menu at the top) the correct location path is there - it just doesn’t publish on the generic page.

I assume that you also tried changing the sys_itemfilter to public when previewing the page? This along with sys_content=301 should be what is published…

This is sys_context 301:


not really sure on how nav rollovers works, but to me, this would imply that /open/images/mainNav/728_imainNavButDM_r1_c1.gif content item is not in a public / publishable state…(hence you can preview it, but it doesn’t actually publish / rx doesn’t think it should be published, so doesn’t create the link to it)

The navimage items are in public state and all three states publish as individual files. The issue is that the generic page (or perhaps the nav top template) does not link the inactive images - just the active and rollover. is an example of how itis supposed to work/look. The inactive img is for example the butto “Institute” with white bkgrd. The rollover state has a blue bkgrd (visible on mouseover) the active state is visible when the button is clicked.