Include 1 template within another for the same content item

I’m trying to build a database assembler template which will publish the assembled result of another velocity template…

I’ve tried several approaches including the following binding:

This, however, results in a Rhythmyx login form getting published to my target database. I’ve tried replacing the hostname with… this too results in a login page…

I’ve also tried $rx.assmHelper.assemble() but without a slotname, it does nothing or causes an error.

I even tried making an automatic slot, but I get nothing… I mean, literally, nothing outputs at all.

Anyone done anything similar and gotten it to work?

I was able to get this to work by using the following bindings:

[B]$template[/B]=<Your Template ID Here>

The real issue, it seems, was that the URL must be relative for the authentication error not to occur… and, for whatever reason, $rx.location.generate() occasionally returns a null value, so I couldn’t rely on that either.


This seems like the long way around the barn to me.

You should be able to do this by calling the Assembly Service ($sys.asm) directly.

Something like (and I have not tested all of this)

$myTemplate = $sys.asm.findTemplateByName("myTemplate")
$myAssemblyItem = $sys.AssemblyItem.clone()
$xxx = $myAssemblyItem.setTemplate($myTemplate)
$results = $sys.asm.assemble($user.PSOListTools.asList($myAssemblyItem))
$body = $rx.doc.extractBody($results.get(0))

Should work better (faster and cleaner) than constructing the assembly URL directly in the code.
