Including Exteral Javascript

I am updating a page that references some external javascript in an ephox editor. Every time I update the page the src attribute seems to be removed from the script tag.

Has anyone else run into this and found a soloution/work around?

We are running rx 6.5.2 and we are on patch 14509. We’ve also applied the updates for the bug 13659 to fix problems with the script tag.

I’ve included script in a template, and that works. We’ve also tried a script content type that uses a text box, without Ephox. Maybe you could insert the script as an inline snippet.

Ephox doesn’t seem to handle scripts or forms very well… we have had problems with this too.

Maybe this should be a feature request for both Percussion and Ephox as IMHO nearly every site that is large enough to use a CMS also uses scripts and forms. What do others think?


A fix was patched into Rhythmyx 6.5.2 to handle form and script tags. The same problem also existed and was fixed for embed tags.

The first patch that includes all of the above fixes is RX-13646. Any later patch will of course also include these fixes.

Please contact Percussion Support to obtain this patch.

[QUOTE=eserating;5504]A fix was patched into Rhythmyx 6.5.2 to handle form and script tags. The same problem also existed and was fixed for embed tags.

The first patch that includes all of the above fixes is RX-13646. Any later patch will of course also include these fixes.

Please contact Percussion Support to obtain this patch.[/QUOTE]

We’ve already applied the patch and it seems to work when I insert the tag to start, but after an update of the page the src attribute is removed.

This is what I am trying to insert

<script src="some.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

However after the page is updated the src attribute is removed.

In our case we made a new sys_TextArea field with max storage size on all of our page content types that is basically an all-purpose “javascript bucket.” Clients (or our team) can insert javascript code there so it won’t be mangled by Ephox.

Loss of the src attribute is not expected behavior and I am not seeing this behavior in my testing.

I suggest you contact Percussion Support and open a case to help resolve the issue you are seeing.


We’re having exactly this problem at the moment. I’ve spent some time tampering with different approaches, none of which seem to work. In the past, my colleagues found that simply putting in a “;” character between the tags would do the trick. However this no longer seems to work (just upgraded, so we’re wondering if that might be related).

My last attempt was to use the suggestion below (putting the javascript into a sys_TextArea), however the javascript in this field doesn’t seem to get published out along with the rest of the content. Is there any particular way i would need to set up the sys_TextArea field? (Apologies if this a very naive question, but I’m quite new to rhythmyx)


Actually, scrap the last half of that last post (if anyone happens to be reading this), got the text area with javascript working.

The latest patch(RX-14412) fixes this problem. However I’ve been told by support that they discovered another issue with the workflow comment that was caused by the patch that they are looking into.

Ah, we haven’t got that patch yet.

Does it fix the same problem with the tag for inserting java as a jsp, i.e. the <% and %> tags. This is more important than the javascript really because we can probably get around it with javascript, but not with java, so a fix for this too would be really appreciated.


We have the last patch and it does now work with javascript (once you put some transforms into the content type), but alas it doesn’t work with jsp scriptlet tags. We’ve raised a ticket about, but I’m none too hopeful at the moment.