There has been some recent work in Engineering related to Managed Navigation for incremental editions to improve on this, but the updates haven’t made it into a release or patch yet. Currently the related elements in the Nav Tree aren’t touched, so the incremental doesn’t pick them up.
Best practice wise for many of the larger sites that we’ve been implementing, where a full edition just isn’t possible, is to use an SSI type of tactic for this. In this approach, You essentially create a series of snippet templates that generate a server side include file for bread crumbs and and for navigational sections. Using this strategy you can create non incremental content lists that will always include the various nav elements. Adding these to an Incremental or full edition will cause Only the Navigational snippets to be published in full, as opposed to publishing the entire site.
Here is an example of a snippet template for a breadcrumbs SSI include. The template is configured to generate .shtml (Apache style SSI), but the approach can be applied to any target web server that supports includes.
#set($a = $sys.assemblyItem.getCloneParentItem().getId() )
#if ("$!a" == "" || $tools.list.get($sys.params.get('sys_context'), 0) =="0" )
#set($ancestors = $user.psoNavTools.getAncestors($nav.self) )##
#foreach($node in $ancestors)##
#if($velocityCount > 1)
#set($title = $node.getProperty("rx:displaytitle").String)##
#if($velocityCount > 2) > #end##
#if($velocityCount == $ancestors.size() )##
#set($landing_page = $node.getProperty("nav:url").String)##
<a href="$landing_page">$title</a>##
<div id="breadcrumbs">##
Where the generateInclude macro looks like this:
## Used to build the SSI for Navons
#macro(generateInclude $node $maxLevel)##
#set($node=$ancestors.get( $maxLevel ))##
#set($cloneditem = $sys.assemblyItem.clone())##
#set($parameters = $cloneditem.getParameters().remove("sys_folderid"))##
#set($location= $rx.location.generate($cloneditem,$cloneditem.Template))##
#set($dq = '"')## "
#set($lb = '#')## #
#set($includeBeginning = "<!--${lb}include virtual=${dq}")##
#set($includeEnding = "${dq} -->")##
#set($include = "${includeBeginning}${location}${includeEnding}")##
You would then create a non-incremental content list that is configured specifically for NavOns and the templates.:
select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from rx:rffNavon where jcr:path = '//Sites/YourSite/%'
Template Expander:
Template Param:
yourSnippetNavBreadcrumbs, yourSnippetBottomNav, your other nav templates, etc
A similar content list would be created for your landing pages.
Obviously this is an example, and every implementation is slightly different, but SSI can be a great way to work around the current Full Publish requirement for Managed Navigation changes, giving you a finer grained control over what gets published when.
Hope this helps.