Incremental Publishing

I am having an issue with incremental publishing. We are using Version 6.5.2 .

My URL in the Edit Content list looks like below


and i have selected type also as “incremental”

Without making any changes to the content item, The CONTENTLASTMODIFIEDDATE is changing(in every 30 or 40 minutes time interval) in the content status table. With this happening, whenever the edition(in which the above mentioned contentlist is exisiting) runs, the properties file generated from that content item is being published out(which i don’t want it to happen). And not only that, When we look at the content items properties, it shows the incorrect time for the Last Modified Date field, which leads to confusion for the content owners.

Is there any solution to avoid this.



Is your incremental edition set to run every 30-40 minutes?

Is there an auto-index on the template?

Does this content type have more than one publishable template?

The edition runs every hour.(the LASTMODIFIEDDATE is also changing every hour not 30 or 40 minutes).

No there is no Auto-index on the template.

No this template doesn’t have more than one publishable template.