Information tips for authors on content item entry forms

It is not possible to easily add tips or suggestions for authors who are typing in a content item. You can only have the title of a field and the entry box. You can’t put a description with it. We have had requests for this.

I am told that there used to be a way to get little question mark icons to appear next to fields and you could click them to get a tip on what should be entered. But now that is no longer available.

Informational tips for certain fields on the content item entry form would improve the usability of the user interface for authors.

Right, there is a solution, but I won’t say it is easy… :frowning: … We too are patiently waiting for a relatively easy solution as the current proposed solution means that any time we want to change some help text, it means a content type msm package…

This is the number one feature request bar none. We refer to it as “help text.” We’re focused on adding this “help text” out-of-box to the next content editor form in one of the first few point releases of CM System 7. We’ll be showing prototypes of this in Q2, along with other features in the new User Interface.

The time frame for this being released is Q3, updates to come as we get closer.

Another vote, as if you didn’t have enough already :slight_smile: