initslot Questions

I am using #initslot macro and I havea few questions.

#set($slotname= “main_content_slot”)
#set($slotparams = “template=gsalinklist_AZ_index”)##
#initslot($slotname $slotparams)
#if($sys.currentslot.relresults.size() > 0)
#foreach($relresult in $sys.currentslot.relresults )
#set($myContentType = $relresult.getNode().getPrimaryNodeType().getType())
content type is $myContentType **</br>

In a content item of type gsaPage, I have added two items of type list and text. I have added those items using different templates. But I want to use gsalinklist_AZ_index when rendering the data. When i specify the template as the slotparams, the output shows,
content type is gsaPage
content type is gsaPage

When I dont specify the template name in the slot parama I get the following ouot put
content type is list
content type is text.

I am confused. Why are the content types changing? I expect the out put to be always list and text. Could some one clarify this please?

Just out of curiosity, but have you tried outputing the data associated with the relresult (ie the display title and sys title of the items in the slot). Are those the expected results in both instances?

Yes I did.

When I dont specify the template name in slotparama, everything is displayed correctly. When I specify templatename explicitily, results go wrong.
