inline javascript commands are still treated as a command even when we insert CDATA

We are currently using rhythmyx 6.5.2 and we have a problem with inline javascript.
For example when we insert this line of code in ephox

<script type=“text/javascript”>/<![CDATA[/
function matchwo(a,b)
if (a < b && a < 0) then
return 1;
return 0;
<p><input type=“button” value=“Click me!” onclick=“matchwo(2,3);” /></p>

the javascript code is still parsed, therefore this is what we get
from the browser

<div id=‘generic_body’><script type=“text/javascript”>//
function matchwo(a,b)
if (a < b && a < 0) then
return 1;
return 0;

can you advise a work around? or maybe there is a patch out there that fix this issue with 6.5.2 as a patch was made for 6.1

thank you

We had quite a few issues with inline JS in 6.5 we ended up putting all our JS in external files and linking to them. Looking back at our support calls I don’t think the issue got fixed in 6.5 but it all works in 6.7.

Thank you so much Keevan for your kind reply.

That is what i thought. I don’t think there is a patch available to fix the issue either.

You made my day with your answer :slight_smile: