Inline Link removing text

We are using RX 6.5.2 on our development server, and during testing, i have just noticed that when I try to make a Rhythmyx Inline Link, the highlighted text dissapears.

The steps i have been using:

  1. Highlight text within editlive body field
  2. Select “Insert Rhythmyx Inline Link”
  3. Select content item to link to and add

The text that was highlighted is replaced with a “<a href=“rhythmyx link”>_</a>” which has the correct link.

Has anyone had this problem with the text dissapearing? I can go into the code view and add it back in, but that is just an extra step.



It looks like the “Link Title” field on the search return page (with the radio button options), is overwriting the highlighted text. If I put any text in that field, then the original highlighted text remains, if not the blank “Link Title” field supercedes.

I am experiencing the same issue whan adding an inline link. Any suggestions as to what might be causing it?

We have experienced this also. Is it a bug in Ephox?

Can you please post the patch number you are on.

I’m using Rhythmyx 6.5.2 with patch RX-15407 and Ephox