Inline Link Search box not appearing

We are on RX 6.5.2 (patch RX-14952), and for certain content editors, when i select text and hit the icon to add a Rhythmyx link, nothing appears. On the CE’s where is does work in the body field, the debug code from ephox is

11:29:59:929 [DEBUG] ActionHandler - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Using regular handler.
11:29:59:929 [DEBUG] ThreadPool - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Reusing thread.
11:29:59:929 [DEBUG] ELJApplet - -(Thread-17) Using JSObject.
11:29:59:929 [DEBUG] ELJApplet - -(Thread-17) Call: RxEphoxInlineLink
11:29:59:929 [DEBUG] CustomAction - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Custom action: RxEphoxInlineLink
11:29:59:945 [DEBUG] ThreadPool - -(Thread-17) Returned thread.
11:29:59:976 [DEBUG] POSTApplet - -(thread applet-com.ephox.editlive.java2.POSTApplet.class-3) Using POST Applet instead of LiveConnect.
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] POSTApplet - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Performing custom action.
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Applet: com.ephox.editlive.java2.POSTApplet[panel1,0,0,1x1,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,1x1,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=16777673,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Target: _editLiveInstance_elj
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Action: customaction:getselectedtext:launchSearchBox
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Finding Applet Context on the page
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Finding available loaded applets
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) List found. Looking for ELJ
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Found Applet: com.ephox.editlive.java2.POSTApplet
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Found Applet:
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Found Applet:
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] AppletList - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Found 2 copies of ELJ
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] ELJApplet - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Action: customaction:getselectedtext:launchSearchBox
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] ActionHandler - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Using regular handler.
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] CustomAction - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Custom action: launchSearchBox
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] Tidy - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Set charencoding: UTF-8
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] Tidy - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Set output char encoding: utf-8
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] Tidy - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Set charencoding: UTF-8
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] Tidy - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Set output char encoding: utf-8
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] CustomTagParser - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Finished registering tags.
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] Tidy - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Set charencoding: UTF-8
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] Tidy - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Set output char encoding: utf-8
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] Tidy - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Set charencoding: UTF-8
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] Tidy - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Set output char encoding: utf-8
11:29:59:991 [DEBUG] CustomTagParser - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Finished registering tags.
11:30:00:007 [DEBUG] ThreadPool - -(AWT-EventQueue-2) Reusing thread.
11:30:00:007 [DEBUG] CallbackUtils - -(Thread-23) Function is launchSearchBox
11:30:02:445 [DEBUG] ThreadPool - -(Thread-23) Returned thread.

But on the CE where nothing happens it is:

11:42:05:391 [DEBUG] ActionHandler - -(AWT-EventQueue-4) Using regular handler.
11:42:05:391 [DEBUG] ThreadPool - -(AWT-EventQueue-4) Reusing thread.
11:42:05:391 [DEBUG] CustomAction - -(AWT-EventQueue-4) Custom action: RxEphoxInlineLink
11:42:05:391 [DEBUG] ELJApplet - -(Thread-38) Using JSObject.
11:42:05:391 [DEBUG] ELJApplet - -(Thread-38) Call: RxEphoxInlineLink
11:42:05:407 [DEBUG] ThreadPool - -(Thread-38) Returned thread.

i do not see anything different in the workbench settings for the body fields in the CE’s. All of the variants are added to the inline link slot as well. Is there a setting or config somewhere that i am missing?


Is everyone experiencing the same problem or is this just 1 user?
What browser are you using?
Do you have popups enabled?
Does this happen for inline link or inline variant buttons?

It looks like it is specific to IE for only certain content types. I cleared the browser and java cache, and it still did not work. however, I tried it in firefox, and the inline link search box appeared.
i am using IE7 and Firefox 3.0.13

A ticket has been opened for you in TS for this issue, so I’m going to let them continue with their work offline.