Inline Links linking to AutoIndex Items

From my previous discussion, it is clear that autoindex items or items with autoindex slots will always get published during every incremental publish execution.

However, we have several inline line links in our page content items body field. These inline links link to AutoIndex content items. During the incremental publish, these pages are getting always published, even though in the page templates we dont have an autoindex slot in the contained slot list.

Is the expected behavior, or something is wrong?



Something must be wrong unless the relationship is causing this content item to be picked up in the incremental. If this is the case then it seems a bit aggressive

Just to clarify,
you have removed the auto slot in the AutoIndex content items? If not, then this is the correct (default) behavior. Any snippet template of the auto indexer should cause the parent item (where the snippet is placed) to also publish in an incremental.

Jit, Thank you for the clarification. Just another item to add to the wish list.

So say if the there is an autoindex item that is inline linked in a normal page content item. So along with the auto index item that parent page item will be published.

However, if that page item is inline linked in another page item, and so on…Does the incremental publish will publish all the way up to the top level parent.

AutoIndex inline Link in Page A
Page A inline linked in Page B
Page B inline linked in Page C
Page C inline linked in Page D

So along with the autoindex item, all the pages A, B, C, D will be republished everytime in the incremental publish…Is this correct to say and is the default behavior?

Is my assumption correct in what I said in the previous post?

The answer to that should be yes…(and it seems easy enough to test it) are you noticing something different?

Thanks jit…
Yes I tested it, and I was surprised that my assumption came out true. It is simply unnecessary republish of the entire heirarchy. So if the home page has an auto index item, and say in a site if all the pages in their content have an inline link to the home page (either directly or indirectly thru another page), then during the incremental publish basically all of the pages will end up in the queue for the republish.


I would agree… I think that the publish should be associated with a particular template. Ie, so that while including a Title Link template of an autoindexer wouldn’t cause the item (where it is included) to publish, including another template that has it (ie a snippet of items indexed), should cause it to publish.

Of course, if the title were changed, then it should cause the item to publish… So, something like this might be whenever the item is edited, then touch the parents, else only touch the parents of specific templates (of the item using specific templates).