Inline Links

I might be missing something here…

Content Type Generic is pre existing with an edit live field. I create a content type called AA and it has it’s associated page template.

I want to edit a Generic Content type item 111 and add a inline link(to the new content type AA item 4444) in the edit live field. When doing that, I’m not able to view the content item 4444 in the content browser pop up.

Any idea what i’m missing here?


Hi Paddy.

In workbench, edit the Inline_Link_Slot slot. You have to include your new content type AA and it’s page template into the “Allowed Content” of this slot. After doing this, the AA content item should appear in the popup.


I tried this option before i posted this issue on the forum, but it wouldn’t let me add the new content type to the inline slot. I gave it some time and tried again it worked. Nice to hear from you Endora :).
