Inline Rhythmyx templates


We have just upgraded from 5.6 to 6.5.2. and have decided to use eWebEditPro in the short term due to a couple of issues with EditLive. When the upgrade was completed, the Content Editors were changed to use the EditLive control. I subsequently changed the Content Editors back to use eWebEditPro but have noticed that the insertion of inline Rhythmyx templates into eWebEditPro doesn’t work correctly.


eWebEditPro used to add this code when an inline template was inserted:
<br />
<p contenteditable=“false” unselectable=“on” rxinlineslot=“105” sys_dependentvariantid=“444” sys_dependentid=“18757” sys_siteid=“305” sys_folderid=“14268” inlinetype=“rxvariant”><a class=“pdfdownload” title=“Opens in new window” contenteditable=“false” href=“http://cms2:9992/Rhythmyx/cmbc_File_cas/binary?sys_revision=1&sys_siteid=305&sys_authtype=0&sys_contentid=18757&sys_variantid=443&sys_folderid=14268&sys_context=0” unselectable=“on”>Newsletter June 2006 [PDF file 121KB]</a><span class=“hide” contenteditable=“false” unselectable=“on”>|</span><img class=“pdficon” title=“See viewing PDF files” contenteditable=“false” alt=“PDF file” src="…/web_resources/cmbc/images/icon-pdf.gif" unselectable=“on” /></p>
<br />
Now all the relationship stuff is missing when you insert an inline template:
<br />
<p contenteditable=“false” unselectable=“on”><a class=“pdfdownload” title=“Opens in new window” contenteditable=“false” href=“http://gorple:9992/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_revision=1&sys_siteid=305&sys_authtype=0&sys_contentid=18757&sys_variantid=443&sys_folderid=14268&sys_context=0” unselectable=“on”>Newsletter June 2006 [PDF file 121KB]</a><span class=“hide” contenteditable=“false” unselectable=“on”>|</span><img class=“pdficon” title=“See viewing PDF files” contenteditable=“false” alt=“PDF file” src="…/web_resources/cmbc/images/icon-pdf.gif" unselectable=“on” /></p>

Any ideas what is causing this problem? I know eWebEditPro isn’t supported, but it works (or rather did) how we want it to.
